Top Tips for Sleep Hygiene

Tips from Bridget D’arcy, Pharmacy Manager, LloydsPharmacy Fairgreen Shopping Centre, for good sleep hygiene.

Hello Health  – Sleep Hygiene

I’m Bridget and I have worked with LloydsPharmacy for over 25 years. For the first time in as many years I have had a lot more customers coming to me who are finding it hard to get good quality sleep. I cannot stress enough how important our sleep is to our health and how important it is to maintain good sleep hygiene. I will take you through the different health benefits that are associated with sleep, give you my tips on how you can improve your sleep and also recommend some of my favourite products that will help to improve your sleep hygiene.

What is Sleep Hygiene?

“Sleep Hygiene” is a term used to describe habit and practices that are conducive to sleeping well on a regular basis. In order to perform our daily tasks to the best of our abilities, it is important that we make our sleep a priority and do everything we can to maintain good quality sleep. Poor sleep may increase your risk of serious medical conditions which can include Obesity, Heart disease, Diabetes and potentially a shorter life expectancy. The average person needs anywhere from 6 to 9 hours of sleep per night. It can be hard for a lot of people to get into a good sleep routine and can take a few weeks to implement one.

Ways in which Sleep can have a positive impact on your health?

  • Can help to boost your immune system
  • Can help you to maintain a healthy weight
  • Can help to improve your mental wellbeing
  • Can help to prevent diabetes
  • Can help to increase fertility
  • Can help to prevent heart disease

In order to help you improve the quality of your sleep I have listed my top tips below; please give some of these a try and see if you can get a better night’s sleep.

Top Tips to getting better Sleep

  1. Get into a Routine – Getting into a good sleep routine is key. Try to go to bed at the same time every night if possible. It also helps to try and wake up at the same time too.
  2. Improve your Environment – A quiet, cool, dark room is ideal for sleep. It also helps to have a comfortable mattress and I advise that you invest in good quality bed linen. Eliminate as much light as possible.
  3. Avoid Heavy Meals and Excessive Alcohol Consumption – Eating heavy meals before sleep of drinking too much alcohol can really affect the quality of your sleep.
  4. Create a Bedtime Ritual – Make sure to wind down before bed, having a warm (not hot) shower can help you to relax. Even better, having an Epsom Salts bath and burning some essential oils can really help to ease muscle fatigue can prepare you for a good sleep.
  5. Exercise – Engaging in some form of exercise each day can contribute to more sound and restful sleep.
  6. Reading before Bed –  Reading (not on your phone / tablet) a book can help to relax the mind.

Top Products

Helps support restful sleep & focus your mind. Contains natural herbal ingredients – with lemon balm, L-theanine, chamomile, vitamin B complex & magnesium. Also contains B vitamins which help maintain the normal functioning of your nervous system.

Sleep through relaxing rub contains a natural blend of essential oils. Contains sleep inducing qualities used by generations to help improve sleep quality and duration, reduce anxiety and relieve respiratory symptoms. This relaxing rub is suitable for all the family.

Let your worries drift away & sink into calming clouds of bubbles infused with this tension-easing, super calming scent to leave skin feeling velvety soft & supple & your mind feeling relaxed & relieved of stress.

Please note we are implementing safety measures in response to COVID-19 which limits the number of people per store. Please respect your fellow shoppers and maintain a distance of at least 2 metres at all times. If you are experiencing any symptoms such as fever, shortness of breath or cough please DO NOT call into your local Pharmacy or GP and phone instead. If you suspect you are showing symptoms of COVID-19 you should self-isolate and contact the HSE on 1850 24 1850.